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Registration Info
Refund Policy

Please send completed registration form and checks made out to Tiger Soccer Academy to: 6 Starlit Drive, Northport, NY 11768


*We will also accept payments via Venmo @tigersocceracademy1


Enrollment is limited, please register early!




No refund of tuition will be made for any reason except serious injury. All cancellations will entitle you to tuition credit for future sessions. No other option is available.


When can I enroll?

Enrollment begins in February and is ongoing throughout the summer based on program availability. We ask that you register as quickly as you can for planning purposes, but we do not turn anyone away at Camp Registration on Monday morning.


Your child should bring the following items to camp:

  • Soccer Cleats

  • Soccer Ball

  • Shin Guards

  • T-Shirt, Shorts, & Socks

  • Water Bottle or Cooler

  • A Light snack

  • Sunscreen


Do I need to check in on the first day of camp?

Yes, on the first day you should arrive 30 minutes prior to the camp start time in order to check in. At check in we will confirm that you are registered and distribute any necessary equipment.


What do I do if I need to pick up my child early?

Please notify a staff member at morning drop-off. You must personally go to your child’s group, make yourself known to the coach, and collect your child before they can be signed out.


Should campers bring food or drink to the camp?

It is essential that every camper brings adequate amounts of water to camp on a daily basis. No food is provided. It is suggested that participants bring a healthy lunch. Please note there is no refrigeration available to store food.


What happens if there is inclement weather? 

If it's just rain, we play! The only time we stop playing is in the case of extremely inclement weather or thunder and lightning. The safety and well-being of the children is our number one priority. If it is raining in the morning please travel to the site unless otherwise directed.

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